Inner Fire
Close your eyes and find a comfortable seated position. Take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to settle.
Visualize yourself in a serene and tranquil setting, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Feel the gentle warmth of the sun's rays on your skin and the soothing sounds of nature filling the air.
Now, bring your attention to your lower abdomen, the area just below your navel. Imagine a small flame flickering within this region, representing your inner fire, known as tummo. Visualize this flame growing brighter and stronger with each breath you take.
As you inhale, imagine drawing in the vital energy of the universe, allowing it to fuel the flame within you. Feel the heat and intensity of the tummo fire expanding and radiating throughout your entire body.
With each exhale, release any tension or negative energy that may be blocking the flow of your inner fire. Feel the heat of the flame melting away any emotional or physical burdens, leaving you feeling lighter and more energized.
As the tummo fire continues to grow, visualize it spreading to your limbs, illuminating your arms and legs with its warmth and vitality. Feel the energy pulsating through your entire being, igniting a deep sense of strength and power within you.
Now, allow the tummo fire to rise up through your spine, reaching your heart center. Feel the warmth and passion of the fire expanding in your chest, awakening a deep sense of love and compassion within you.
As the tummo fire reaches your throat, envision it purifying your words and enhancing your ability to communicate your truth with clarity and authenticity. Sense the transformative power of the fire as it aligns your thoughts, words, and actions.
Finally, imagine the tummo fire ascending to your crown, connecting you with the higher realms of consciousness. Feel the expansiveness and connection to the divine as the flame merges with the universal energy.
Take a few moments to bask in the radiant warmth of your tummo fire. Allow it to nourish and empower you on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical body. Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes, carrying the revitalizing energy of your tummo fire with you.
Remember, through regular practice and intention, you can cultivate and strengthen your inner fire, accessing its transformative power and harnessing its energy to fuel your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.