Before Life

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to relax.

As you settle into a state of calmness, bring your attention to the space between your breaths. Notice the stillness and silence that exists there, a space of pure potentiality. Allow yourself to become fully present in this moment, letting go of any attachments to the past or future.

Now, envision yourself standing at the threshold of a sacred portal, the gateway to the Bardo, the realm between lives. This is a place of transition, where your soul resides before embarking on its next journey.

With a sense of curiosity and openness, step through the portal and enter the luminous expanse of the Bardo. Feel a gentle embrace of unconditional love and support as you immerse yourself in this timeless space.

Take a moment to observe your surroundings. Notice the colors, the textures, and the ethereal energy that permeates the Bardo. Allow yourself to feel a deep sense of peace and serenity, knowing that you are held in the embrace of the divine.

As you navigate through the Bardo, you may encounter various beings and energies that are present in this realm. Embrace their presence with an open heart, recognizing their wisdom and guidance.

Now, direct your attention inward and connect with the essence of your soul. Feel the expansiveness of your being, the infinite potential that resides within you. Allow your awareness to merge with the universal consciousness that flows through the Bardo.

In this state of deep connection, reflect upon the lessons and experiences of your past life. Observe the patterns, the challenges, and the growth that you have undergone. Embrace the wisdom that has emerged from these experiences, knowing that they have shaped the evolution of your soul.

Now, envision a golden thread of light extending from your heart center, representing the life force that carries you from one incarnation to the next. Follow this thread as it weaves through the Bardo, guiding you towards your next destination.

As you journey along this thread of light, you may receive glimpses of the possibilities that await you in your future life. Trust the intuitive insights that arise and allow them to guide you in your soul's journey.

Take a moment to express gratitude for the experiences and lessons you have received in the Bardo. Acknowledge the growth and transformation that has taken place within your soul. Embrace the knowing that you are forever connected to the vast tapestry of existence.

When you are ready, bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel your physical body, the sensation of the ground beneath you, and the gentle rise and fall of your breath.

Carry the wisdom and guidance you received from the Bardo with you as you continue your journey in this lifetime. Trust that you are divinely supported and guided every step of the way.

Slowly open your eyes, allowing the external world to come into your awareness. Carry the peace and insight of the Bardo with you, knowing that you can revisit this sacred realm whenever you desire to deepen your connection with your soul's journey.

Take a few moments to integrate the experience and express gratitude for the insights received.


Center Of Time


Branches Of The River